Rainman Artworks: Psycho Deluxe Set; #4/50

 This is one of my favorite items, despite a few shortcomings. Released by Rainman Artworks in 2016-2017. These evaporated immediately.  1/6 scale, limited to a scant 50 complete sets with the Hitchcock bust. The few that were purchased by scalpers went to, and disappeared from, ebay quite quickly. Selling for considerable sums. The rest made their way into collections, and have stayed there.

To some folks, Rainman could do no wrong. Having never purchased anything from them before, I was hesitant at first. Good thing I didn't waffle long. I have pictures of mine below, the last 3 pictures, and the shot showing Norman's clothes and hand offered as a subset via Rainman, are professional shots from when the item was offered for sale originally.

The set is a masterpiece despite the aforementioned shortcomings.


#1. The flesh colored tint of Norman's body. The entire set is done in black and white. Everything. Except Norman's body. In contrast, Mrs. Bates is a fully sculpted corpse beneath her dress. Yet Norman was skimped on, and given a garish flesh toned body. 

#2: Norman also wasn't given any socks. Easily rectified by purchasing Hot Toys socks (for peg in shoes) but a short coming none the less. 

#3. The fact that the hands (at least the relaxed one) has a flesh toned peg that is actually glued into the hand (making switching to a b/w white body problematic ) added to some frustration. 

#4. The bottom of the Hitchcock bust is unfinished, displaying air pockets that weren't puttied and finished when/if turned over for examination.  Filling them in, matching the paint, and adding a piece of felt to cover these was easy enough to do, but should've been done at Rainman's facility/studio. Not by the customers.

These 4 quibbles are minor, and the set is magnificent overall. If you can find one; don't hesitate. This is one of the best collectibles for Psycho that exists.


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