Wasp Woman Prototype paint variant and numbered release by Distinctive Dummies

 Having done a lot of freelance painting (to make my hobby be self sustaining) for Distinctive Dummies, I lobbied for this character to be made for months. The film is a favorite "B" monster movie of mine.

 The owner eventually relented and took me up on my suggestion....but only if I would do the paint chores for the figure run. I agreed of course. I struggled with what color to choose for her, but ultimately settled on the metallic bluish purple color, inspired by Carol Hicks's mask of the character. 

The prototype, however,  I did in gold, black and yellow. She has different clothing , nylons, necklace and shoes from the numbered release. Here are both pictured together. The DD release was limited to 60 numbered editions. The prototype (pictured with some DST lab equipment) is limited to just mine.


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