Greetings Monster Movie Enthusiasts~~ An appropriately eerie manor house is so hard to find. Sometimes we just have to fashion our own. So here we are. The purpose of this blog is quaint in its simplicity. I am a "monster kid". I have been for over half a century. As such, I sat up late night on weekends (before the advent of vhs, dvd, blu ray, etc) watching as many of these old films as my young mind could....devour. Like any good monster kid, I also collect movie monster items. In addition to consuming said items, I also contribute to the hobby, as a free lance painter. Having done work for Distinctive Dummies, Creatures and Shadows Studios, Brentz Dolz and many others. Who knows, you may have some of my work in your own collection. The monster kid era began in the 1960's and ran well into the late 1970's. In 1977; Peter Cushing retired his stakes, crosses, and Holy Water, and went to work holding Darth Vader's temper in check instead. Vincent Pric